Tuesday, January 17, 2006

There's No Hugging in Basketball

It's official. The NBA is now unwatchable. Actually it wasn't that watchable before, but at least the Kobe-Shaq feud was enjoyable. Well, not anymore.

In case you missed it, yesterday, before the Heat/Lakers matchup Shaq and Kobe shook hands, hugged, and I even think I saw Shaq grab Kobe's ass. Kumbi-fucking-ya, I don't need see this sort of crap in the NBA. If I wanted to see crap like this I'd watch my Collector's Edition of 'Beaches,' or reruns of 'Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman.'

Thanks Bill Russell, thanks a lot for opening your piehole and telling Shaq to pass the peacepipe. Isn't there a Coors Light commercial you should be doing. Jackass.

Looks like I'll just have to stick with watching the NFL, because I know there is no way in hell Owens will hug McNabb.